Thursday, July 9, 2009

5-4 Pains of Being Pure at Heart

I really hate The Local 506 for no real reason. I like that they don't allow smoking where the bands play, but hate the lighting, think the sound is only mediocre, and the membership thing has always been a bust for me. That being said, I was really excited about seeing The Pains of Being Pure at Heart.
It's been 2 months since the show, so I don't remember the opener, but I do remember that I got the first Voxtrot 7" at CD Alley across from the venue before they played. Score on a $100 7" for three bucks.

lot's and LOT'S of fender->holy grail->twin reverb, and it was cute as FUCK.

More Here

LONG HAUL without an update:

It's been FOR-FUCKING-EVER without an update in here because I moved, had a bunch of funerals to go to, went to a graduation, went to vegas, helped lila move to Boston, and kept it punk...

Pictures that will be up soon:
-Pains of Being Pure at Heart
-Loser Life
-Grids/Meth Mountain Greensboro trip
-Noise shit at Bay Street house