Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Rosemont Apartment Show

This was the first show for Meth Mountain and the first punk show for the rosemont apartments. The place holds insane parties every year for 4th of July and New Years. They're pretty infamous for their slip'n'slides, volcanoes, and colorful alcoholic beverages, so I was pumped to see what a show would be like at the place.
It ended up being really fun, after Meth Mountain and Grids played, Logic Problem "set up", which really consisted of changing out cymbals and cables. The place was so fucking packed and tiny that changing out stuff just wasn't practical, and Grids' somewhat big cabinets ended up looking like a wall of amps.

Logic Problem played really fast, and WAY better than they have the last two times in charlotte. I didn't know that bands from Raleigh ever took their time to come down to our struggling little city, but they've put on a fantastic show every time, and every time people have partied out for them.

Lowbrow just keeps getting better. The intro was a little too long for me, but that was probably because I found 2 sunkist in my bag right before they played, and was way wired on orange soda caffeine.

Show ruled, new place rules, Brandon rules for setting this up, Zach, Steven, and everyone else that live there rule for not caring about their crazy apartment parties, and everyone there ruled for coming out.
Charlotte has shows...

Hawks, Grids, Reverser

I was super excited about this show, then was a little bummed that there weren't infinity people there, but the turnout was decent and Hawks got paid.
Reverser played first, and given it was only their second show I was really impressed, but then remembered they'd been practicing for like, a year, and was still mildly impressed. I would say there was too much 90's worship, except that they are all over 30 so it's less worship and more rekindling.

Hawks is fucking phenomenal. I don't think I'll ever get enough of this band. Band rules, record rules, live rules, dudes rule(s). Grids is playing three dates with them and Thank God in April and I"m getting excited about it already.
It was hard to get good pictures of them because we turned out all the store lights, but whatever. you get the point.

levi has a glow stick mustache

as for the Grids set, we played probably the sloppiest set we've ever played, my amp was sounding like farts and shorting out, the new bass cabinet sounded awesome, and because bobby likes Hawks as much as I do, he was completely obliterated, as is obvious here:

more pictures from this show can be found here:
Penalty Box Flickr

also, the house now has this: